Find your life worth living
Discover the courage that exists in you to withstand your sorrows, recognize your joys—and transform your pain into a life worth living.
Treatment Options
Speaking, Training and Consulting

Dr. Carolyn Phelps, licensed psychologist, provides an array of high quality, compassionate psychological services; with specialization in the treatment of eating disorders and extensive experience in performance enhancement and sports psychology.
“I am humbled and inspired every day by my clients’ courage and resilience—even when they cannot see that in themselves. And I am honored to be part of helping people learn how to see their own strength, heal their wounds, live with their scars and know their own goodness and beauty.”
To schedule an appointment, please call 218.606.1844.
If you would like me to contact you, please fill out the form here.
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?”
—poet, Mary Oliver
Lonsdale Building
302 West Superior Street, Suite 502 • Duluth, MN 55802
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